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Slot Cutting & T-Slot Cutter Router Bits

With a slot cutter router bit from us, you can make precise slots for your next woodworking project.

Shop our selection of slot cutting and t-slot router bits, in 1/4″ and 1/2″ shank. Also called T track bits, T-track and T-Slot bits, these slotting cutters can help you organize any shop or garage. Be sure to also mix and match your t slot router bit with the right bearing kit to dial in the correct depth of cut. If you ever have any additional questions about slot cutters or anything else, be sure to contact us and we would be happy to assist you further.Slot cutting router bits are the perfect router tools for cutting certain-depth channels, slots, or slits into materials such as wood. These grooves that are cut by a slot cutter router bit are great for mainly two different things. The first is a decorative style using the t slot cutter – crafting a piece of wood with slots cut into the side of it for a certain look you may want to go for in a project. The second route to go with the slot cutter router bit is to use these slots in the wood as spots for "joinery" - to join multiple pieces together using a slot, or series of slots. Using these multiple slots together is great for holding two or more pieces of material in place with good strength and support. And this is all thanks to the slot cutter router bit.In addition to our diverse slotting router bit selection, we’re also pleased to offer many of these bits with Astra Coating. When a t slot cutter says that it contains "Astra Coating," this means that it will last longer. Each slot cutting router bit with this kind of coating will reduce its vulnerability to friction and heat. So not only can you work longer with a t slot router bit from us, but you can even work faster with these bits.Shop our store now and find the right t slot router bit for you!